Canada Revenue Agency

Sunday, June 11, 2006

illegal Tax Collection Tactics - Canada Revenue Agency

Are you a taxpayer?

Of course, you probably are.

Do you operate a small business or have investments that are subject to tax?

Have you ever had to pay GST or payroll deduction remittances?

Has CANADA REVENUE AGENCY ever made a mistake on your tax debt ?

Have you ever had a ligitimate disagreement with CANADA REVENUE AGENCY about the tax that you may owe?

Have they ever listened when you, the taxpayer attempts to challenge the amounts?

Have you had your bank account guarnasheed?
Have you had your assets seized?
Did you have success in solving your issues?


We'd like to hear from you........with your story.

IN CASE YOU DID NOT KNOW THIS...............the tax collectors that Canada Revenue Agency sends after your tax debt, as he/she collects, he/she receives incentives and commissions for the results of the collection efforts.

So do the bosses at Canada Revenue Agency.

We have the proof.

We also have proof that Canada Revenue Agency makes mistakes, big mistakes and when those mistakes need to be covered up, Canada Revenue Agency are masters at that game.

FOR EXAMPLE: The Income Tax Act and the Excise Tax Act state that the Canada Revenue Agency cannot disclose confidential information about the taxpayer at any time to the public, for any reason.

In our story, as part of his collection tactics, a certain Canada Revenue Agency collector told certain of our customers that he was going to put us out of business and he suggested these customers should find another supplier as we weren't going to be here.

That was five years ago.

We are still in business, less the customers that were scared away.

The tax that was claimed and collected by Canada Revenue Agency was an error.

Currently, Canada Revenue Agency is offering to refund the overpayment to us but refuses to pay our legal costs and professional fees.

It took six years for Canada Revenue Agency to figure out that they made a mistake and over $100,000 of legal and professional fees from us to get the message through to them.

The problem is that our business is severely injured and now we may have to sue the Collector for misfeasance and slander/defamation and those costs.

All we are getting back so far is the overpayment that Canada Revenue Agency forced from us.

Our tax system needs Overhauling and updating.

In the meantime, watch your wallets.

Just because you receive a tax notice, do not pay it until you are certain that it is ligitimate.

YOUR EXPERIENCES ? We may be able to offer some help.